Vol. 15 No. 29 (2020): Number with Special Issue

					View Vol. 15 No. 29 (2020): Number with Special Issue


Communicating health: fundamentals and practices for better health


Célia Belim, ISCSP-University of Lisbon; CAPP University of Lisbon

Cristina Vaz de Almeida, CAPP - University of Lisbon; ISCSP - University of Lisbon


Expressions such as “healthy thanks to communication” (Belim & Vaz de Almeida, 2018a), “opening the door of communication for better results” in health (Vaz de Almeida & Belim, 2019), communication “as a light on the patient’s path” (Vaz de Almeida & Belim, 2020) and “communication skills as the key” to optimizing health literacy (Belim & Vaz de Almeida, 2018b) translate the value of communication for health.

Published: 2020-12-15

Special Dossier: Communicating Health – Fundamentals and Practices Towards a Bet