Senior Digital Influencers on TikTok — profiles and communication strategies




Senior Digital Influencers, digital communication, social media, TikTok


The widespread dissemination of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that we have witnessed has brought about new opportunities and challenges. A networked society mediated by screens entails the possession of specific skills regarding electronic devices, which tend, for the most part, to be less prevalent among older generations. However, the adoption of ICT by older generations, namely of the Internet and social media, has been increasing, giving rise to the emergence of senior digital influencers who garner millions of followers and develop partnerships with major brands. Employing a qualitative netnographic methodology, the present research aims to study the profile of senior digital influencers and ascertain how they communicate with their followers on the TikTok platform. To this end, the profiles and content of a sample of five senior influencers were studied. The main findings reveal that influencers who establish a stronger connection with their followers are those who choose a personal and intimate communication style, express a positive, calm, and kind discourse, conveying serenity and fostering bonds of empathy and affection with their fans. By creating and sharing content, they dismantle the stereotype surrounding old age and present it as pregnant with possibilities that enable them to be active without fear of the future.


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Special Issue - Techvolution: Exploring the nexus of new technologies, consumers and marketing

How to Cite

Senior Digital Influencers on TikTok — profiles and communication strategies. (2024). Comunicação Pública, 19(36).