The influence of Instagram on food choices




food, Instagram, food choices, influence


Posts about food are among the most frequent on Instagram. This trend can influence the behavior and food choices of users. In this sense, this dissertation has as main objective to understand if the publications on food on Instagram really influence the food choices of users and if so, in what way and which factors and characteristics contribute to this influence. A quantitative approach was adopted, using the application of a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1022 individuals, users of the social network Instagram who followed accounts that published content about food. After the analysis, it is concluded that publications on food have a great influence on food choices and on the experimentation of recipes and foods. The main impacts found were eating healthier, cooking more and trying different foods than usual. The types of accounts that most influence users are those of nutritionists, friends and chefs. The characteristics of publications that most influence consumers are the author's credibility, food appearance and nutritional balance. We can also conclude that users who follow more nutritionists tend to have a healthier diet. This study sought to fill an important gap in knowledge about the role of Instagram in shaping food choices, and can provide some guidance in formulating more effective communication and food education strategies.


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Author Biographies

  • Silva A., Escola Superior de Comunicação Social - IPL

    Master in Advertising and Marketing, from the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social de Lisboa. Postgraduate degree in Digital Marketing from the Portuguese Institute of Marketing and Administration. Graduated in Dietetics and Nutrition from the Higher School of Health Technologies of Coimbra. Brand Manager at Danone Nutricia.

  • Medeiros C., Escola Superior de Comunicação Social - IPL

    PhD  in  Social Communication  from the Complutence University of Madrid,  master's  in  Communication,  Culture  and  Information  Technologies  from  ISCTE-Instituto  Universitário  de  Lisboa  and  degree  in  Public Relations and Advertising from the Instituto de Novas Profissões. She is an adjunct professor at the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social where she teaches Visual Languages ​​and Advertising Language. He has published several articles in books such as A Publicidade, O Estado da Arte em Portugal, Media and Body Cult and Medios de Comunicacion y Culto al Cuerpo.




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Special Issue - Techvolution: Exploring the nexus of new technologies, consumers and marketing

How to Cite

The influence of Instagram on food choices. (2024). Comunicação Pública, 19(36).