Transversal social advertising and post-photography in the city of Itaboraí das artes

a project of social transformation




transversal social advertising, post-photography, Itaboraí das Artes, action research, digital convergence


This article critically reflects on the results of the photography workshop of the project “Moulding the Future”, held in Itaboraí, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, between 2020 and 2021. The workshop’s objectives were to empower a group of craftsmen and potters with techniques in advertising and communication to increase citizen participation in solving problems related to local sustainability. The pedagogical planning based on contemporary theories about digital convergence and post-photography aimed to stimulate the autonomy of the local artists in advertising to increase the commercial viability of their products. The methodology, adapted due to the pandemic, was action-research (Thiollent, 2003), which foresees the insertion and intervention of the researcher in the activities and is directly linked to the praxis of the Transversal Social Advertising of the “Itaboraí das Artes”.


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Author Biographies

  • Patrícia Saldanha, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Media and Everydaylife (PPGMC) at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Coordinator and Professor of the Undergraduate Course in Social Communication and Advertising and Propaganda (UFF). PhD and Master degree in Communication and Culture and post-doctorate from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Coordinator and vice-coordinator of the Research Group of Citizenship of the Latin American Association of Researchers in Communication (ALAIC). Coordinator of Intercom Jr. Citizenship (2016-2018). Founder and General Coordinator of the Research Group “Laboratory for Research in Community Communication and Social Advertising (Laccops)”. Researcher with emphasis on: Social advertising, Sensory advertising, mediatization, hegemony and counter-hegemony, community communication.

  • Rômulo Corrêa, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Adjunct Professor of the Journalism Course at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Master in Social Psychology from Universidade Gama Filho (UGF). Doctor in Social Memory from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Coordinator of the Images Nucleus of the Research Laboratory in Community Communication and Social Advertising (Laccops). Photographer and journalist.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO Publicidade: novos formatos, novos conteúdos

How to Cite

Transversal social advertising and post-photography in the city of Itaboraí das artes: a project of social transformation. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 17(32).