Public Relations

How are they called by the Communication Agencies in Portugal?


  • Kelly Gomes Pereira Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (IPL)



public relations, public relations in Portugal, Stockholm Accords, communication, consulting and public relations in Portugal


The present work has the objective of studying the current performance of Public Relations in Portugal. Often associated with activities of little relevance or seen as a mere set of techniques, it is assumed in this work the concept of public relations as a strategic function, vital to the organizational management. Thus, Public Relations are here considered as an accelerator of strategy.
Public Relations, as we know them today, are extremely young and although there is a wide array of definitions and concepts associated with them, we are far from reaching a consensus and an institutionalized definition of the profession.
Public Relations in Portugal: is there a lack of recognition of the concept of a PR or a non-recognition of the activity? is the main question to which this investigation try to respond. Thus, through the Stockholm Accords, is intended to see if the Portuguese sector of Consultants practice the activities described in this document as the practices of Public Relations and, therefore, analyze if the concept of Public Relations in Portugal is in line with the global vision and today’s consensus about PR, present in the Stockholm Accords.


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How to Cite

Public Relations: How are they called by the Communication Agencies in Portugal? . (2021). Comunicação Pública, 7(12).