From print journalism to the digital model

the New York Times’s transition process


  • Isabella de Sousa Gonçalves Universidade da Beira Interior



journalism, New York Times, digital business paradigm


This paper aimed to analyze the transition process faced by The New York Times to achieve its digital business paradigm, which has specific aspects, responsible for making its adaptation to the Web 2.0 possible and also profitable. This study matters because of the newspaper’s tradition, as it exists since 1851, founded by Henry R. Raymond. Nowadays, the NYT gives a step further because it seeks for highlighting at the digital content production and, as a consequence, has the purpose of attracting new digital subscribers. So, this article tries to understand which strategies have been adopted by this newspaper to face the journalism crisis worldwide, reinventing itself in the digital scene.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: Desinformação, Jornalismo e Modelos de Negócio

How to Cite

From print journalism to the digital model: the New York Times’s transition process . (2021). Comunicação Pública, 14(27).