Rhetoric of Pandemic Advertising


  • Samuel Mateus Universidade da Madeira




advertising, rhetoric, advertising discourse, invention, brand identity, COVID 19, media discourse


At the same time that the world was devastated by the COVID-19 epidemic and global confinement c, the advertising industry suffered a substantial shake, which poses enormous challenges.
This article investigates the adaptation of discursive strategies that the pandemic advertising discourse records and, particularly, identifies the main messages conveyed. Although it may be a space for evasion and entertainment, in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the analysed advertising reflects the social transformations experienced by individuals and stands as a responsible voice that fulfils the duties of social distancing and sets the examples to be followed. Thus, brands, through advertising, assume themselves as protagonists and relevant agents of responsible behaviour, thus contributing to the development of brand image.
Adopting a rhetorical point of view, the construction of messages is examined from their Invention, Arrangement, Style and Delivery. It is concluded that there is an enormous uniformity in the rhetorical construction of pandemic advertising, in which the Invention focuses on the thesis "separated but together" and unfolds in two sub-thesis: "we will overcome this together"; and "we have always been present and will always be".


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Author Biography

  • Samuel Mateus, Universidade da Madeira

    Professor Auxiliar na Universidade da Madeira, onde ensina “Estudos de Comunicação” e “Análise do Discurso Mediático”. É autor do ebook Discurso Mediático (Labcom,2021) e organizador do número temático da revista Rhétoriké dedicado à “Retórica da Publicidade”.

    Universidade da Madeira; Labcom
    Campus Universitário da Penteada
    9020-105 Funchal


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THEMATIC DOSSIER: Advertising in times of pandemic: new challenges and approache

How to Cite

Rhetoric of Pandemic Advertising. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 16(30). https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.12260