Nonverbal Communication in Tourism. The case of a 5 * hotel in Sintra


  • Mariana Neto Carmo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa



omnichannel communication, hospitality, nonverbal communication, tourism, customer service


This article aims to add knowledge about nonverbal communication (CNV) and its influence on tourism using the case study of a 5* hotel in Sintra. Studies show the need to apply correct communication to obtain the best results in terms of hospitality, however the references and rationale about CNV are little detailed. The objectives are to understand how CNV elements are applied to Front Office (FO) service; if there is and what is the training at the hotel about CNV; the perception that both employees and managers have about the use of CNV elements. The investigation has a qualitative nature. Information collection was based on bibliographic data and information collected at the hotel. The results presented are based on the direct observation made in the FO as well as the responses obtained to semi-structured interviews. Despite having a short training for direct interaction with the guest/client, the employees commit to apply the NVC, by using a professional smile and eye contact.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Neto Carmo, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa

    Licenciada em Ciências da Comunicação pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa, trabalha neste momento como Assessora de Comunicação na Multipessoal, empresa de recursos humanos. Continua a estudar escrita criativa e copywriting.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: A comunicação omnicanal em turismo

How to Cite

Nonverbal Communication in Tourism. The case of a 5 * hotel in Sintra. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 15(28).