Integrated visual communication in wine tourism units in the Portuguese Western Region


  • Joana Raquel Fernandes Pinto Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Isabel Soares CAPP, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa



omni-channel communication, wine tourism, image, visual, point of sale


This article is about visual communication in wine tourism units in the Portuguese Western Region. Communication Sciences have acknowledged integrated communication, adopted an omni-channel perspective and given increasing attention to non-verbal communication. The study of tourism has benefited from articles on digital communication, interpersonal communication and service. However, the visual part of tourism communication has not yet been consistently investigated in Portugal. The objectives of this study are: a) to characterize elements of visual communication in wine tourism units in the Western Region in terms of: color, shape and communication at the point of sale; employee’s clothing, accessories and makeup; company’s logo, business card, flyers and institutional brochures; online communication on websites and digital social networking platforms; b) to evaluate the coherence of the elements of visual communication in wine tourism units in the Western Region; c) to reflect on the alignment between online content and offline communication in visual communication in wine tourism units in the Western Region. A qualitative methodology was used, including direct observation and interviews with communication professionals. Direct observation revealed differences between spaces in terms of communication at the point of sale, clothing and accessories of employees. It was possible to conclude that, for the interviewed professionals, the integration of the various elements of visual communication is necessary and relevant to the image the consumer has not only of the tourism unit but also of its success.


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Author Biographies

  • Joana Raquel Fernandes Pinto, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa

    Estudante do 3.º ano da licenciatura em Ciências da Comunicação no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas – Universidade de Lisboa. Tem experiência profissional em turismo e a sua investigação debruça-se sobre o atendimento, a comunicação interpessoal e a comunicação turística.

  • Isabel Soares, CAPP, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa

    Doutora em Estudos Anglo-Portugueses e Professora Associada no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, da Universidade de Lisboa, onde coordena a Escola de Línguas e Linguagens e é, atualmente, vice-presidente com o pelouro da Qualidade e das Unidades de Missão. Foi membro fundador da Association for Literary Journalism Studies, à qual presidiu entre 2016 e 2018. É pesquisadora integrada do Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas (CAPP) e investigadora do Centro de Estudos Africanos. As suas áreas de interesse incluem: jornalismo literário, estudos linguísticos e culturais e imperialismo.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: A comunicação omnicanal em turismo

How to Cite

Integrated visual communication in wine tourism units in the Portuguese Western Region. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 15(28).