Feminine and feminist aging on digital social networks





ageism, digital communication, active aging, feminism, reframing


Technological advances in recent decades have boosted new communication practices, especially on digital social networks, where discourses on the most diverse topics are produced and shared. Instagram, in particular, stands out as an important communication tool, which reflects and influences social, political and economic changes in everyday life, and can be validated as the contemporary agora. Within this consolidated media ecosystem, debates emerge about representations and collective agencies that directly impact women, demonstrating how feminist and feminine agendas have expanded their voices and spaces of occupation. The relevance of this study lies both in the historical lack of feminist perspectives on age attitudes faced in female aging, and in the understanding that digital social networks function as an ethos conducive to identity activism and the exercise of citizenship.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Digital culture: mediatization, surveillance and public space

How to Cite

Feminine and feminist aging on digital social networks. (2024). Comunicação Pública, 19(37). https://doi.org/10.34629/cpublica.861