A Struggle for place

African migration to Europe in Paulo Moura’s Passaporte para o Céu (2006)





literary journalism, Paulo Moura, Passaporte para o Céu, migrants


This paper explores African migrants’ fight to reach Europe, as witnessed and narrated by Portuguese reporter Paulo Moura in Passaporte para o Céu (2006). An immersion experience involving observation and interviews denounces the tragic reality of all the victims of organized crime and gives them voice, visibility, and dignity. True (un)successful stories of millions of ordinary (in)visible people seeking a safer, better life in a place imagined as Heaven. This article is grounded in theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches for literary journalism studies. Drawing on concepts from narrative journalism and social justice theory, the analysis delves into Moura's storytelling techniques, thematic explorations, and the ethical considerations inherent in his portrayal of marginalized individuals. Through this dual theoretical and methodological lens, the paper offers insights into the ways in which Moura's work transcends traditional journalism to become a powerful tool for social critique and advocacy.


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How to Cite

A Struggle for place: African migration to Europe in Paulo Moura’s Passaporte para o Céu (2006). (2024). Comunicação Pública, 19(37). https://doi.org/10.34629/cpublica.801