The importance of olfactory marketing in fashion brands

the Abercrombie & Fitch case




Abercrombie & Fitch, brand building, shopping experience fashion brands


The use of olfactory appeals, with the aim of awakening sensations and creating emotional brand-consumer relationships is not new. With it, brands intend to position themselves in the minds of consumers in a direct and pleasant way. This article seeks to understand the importance of olfactory marketing for fashion brands, based on the Case Study of the brand Abercrombie & Fitch.

To this end, five exploratory interviews were carried out to try to understand consumers' understanding of A&F, and the impact of olfactory marketing on the shopping experience and brand perception, and a questionnaire survey with 315 validated responses, to answer the question and validate the research hypotheses.

97% of respondents recognized that the scent influences their sense of belonging to the brand and that there is a strong scent-brand association, corroborating previous studies that prove the impact of scent marketing as an effective strategy, regarding efficient and memorable communication about your values and personality.


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How to Cite

The importance of olfactory marketing in fashion brands: the Abercrombie & Fitch case. (2023). Comunicação Pública, 18(34).