Instagram and celebrities

uses of photography on social media


  • Ana Isabel Albuquerque Labcom, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade Beira Interior
  • Ana Serrano Tellería Labcom, Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade Beira Interior



space, celebrities, social media, Instagram


Dichotomy town-urbanism versus house-home, organization of public and private spaces and production of content such as construction and definition of the individual space are the ignition of the imagery analysis and influence in the physical space configuration. This article is apported on a theoretical reflection – involving the individual, physical space and use of smartphones – and a visual exegesis of photographs captured by these devices of mobile communication and voluntarily displayed by celebrities in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The aim is to highlight how celebrities deal with the concepts of public and private, represent the self and exhibit their daily dynamics, particularly in social media. Noticeable is the growing publicity of private side by side the privatization of public in a technological microcosm.


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How to Cite

Instagram and celebrities: uses of photography on social media. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 9(15).