Advertising and trend analysis

practices, experiences and possibilities in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Alessandro Mateus Felippe Departament of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brasil
  • Cristóvão Domingos Almeida Departament of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brasil



trend analysis, communication strategies, advertising agency


This text presents the moment of translation of trends by a home office advertising agency at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, urging innovative qualifications in the communication strategies of their respective clients. From the Qualitative Data Analysis, the Grounded Theory approach and the Bibliographic Review methodology, ten sociocultural trends were mapped through reports of trends external to the organization; later, reflection was carried out together with the members of the agency about them, including influences and possible scenarios of action; finally, content was produced about the process for better dissemination of results, understood here as a corpus of analysis. By way of conclusion, it is emphasized that the process took place in an assertive, innovative and collaborative way, corroborating the alignment of communication strategies for the period; also, the process aligns with the trend analysis methodology proposed by Dragt (2017).


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Author Biographies

  • Alessandro Mateus Felippe, Departament of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brasil

    Psychoanalyst in training [CETEP/Florianópolis/SC], master's degree in Clothing and Fashion Design [UDESC/SC], specialist in Startup, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship [UNINTER/SC], bachelor's degree in Advertising and Propaganda [UNIPAMPA/RS]. Substitute Professor for the bachelor's degree in Advertising and Propaganda [UFMT/MT] in 2020/2 and 2021/1. Co-founder of Fio.Propaganda. Participant in the research projects "What does advertising teach? Possibilities and challenges in the critical and creative appropriation of advertising text" [UFMT/MT] and "Laboratory of research in Image (Lii): the state of the art of contemporary research" [UFSM/RS]. His research focuses on trend analysis, zeitgeist, visual management, consumption, and digital branding strategies.

  • Cristóvão Domingos Almeida, Departament of Communication and Arts, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brasil

    Postdoctoral researcher in Communication and Consumption Practices (ESPM), Ph.D. in Communication and Information, master's degree in Education, and bachelor's degree in Public Relations. Professor in the graduate programs in Communication and Contemporary Culture Studies, and the undergraduate course in Advertising and Propaganda at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Author of the book "Haitians in Brazil: communication, consumption, and work" (Paulus, 2017).


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Advertising: new formats, new content

How to Cite

Advertising and trend analysis: practices, experiences and possibilities in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2024). Comunicação Pública, 17(32).