Advertising and identity

what kind of connection?


  • Cristina Santos Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias



advertising, consumption, identity, symbolism


There is a link between identity and material possession, being determining in post-modern consumption, in which objects appear full of identity value. The consumerist practices are seen as an expressive act, which contribute to the formation of the identity of individuals, currently immersed in a consumer society.

Being the advertising discourse mostly symbolic, presenting goods as icons, loaded with intangible meaning, we sought to infer the relationship between the formation of an identity and advertising. The literature review allowed us to conclude ​​the important role played by advertising language in the contemporary identity construction.


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Author Biography

  • Cristina Santos, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

    There is a link between identity and material possession, being determining in post-modern consumption, in which objects appear full of identity value. The consumerist practices are seen as an expressive act, which contribute to the formation of the identity of individuals, currently immersed in a consumer society.

    Being the advertising discourse mostly symbolic, presenting goods as icons, loaded with intangible meaning, we sought to infer the relationship between the formation of an identity and advertising. The literature review allowed us to conclude ​​the important role played by advertising language in the contemporary identity construction.


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How to Cite

Advertising and identity: what kind of connection?. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 8(14).