O jornalismo político d’O Século e do Diário de Notícias
political journalism, practices, conventions, Diário de Notícias, O SéculoAbstract
Policy historiography that focuses on the end of the monarchy refers often the links of politics and political parties to newspapers. However, journalism is lateral and eccentric subject in political history.
The present study focused on the treatment and organization of political news in O Século and Diário de Notícias, based on a comparative analysis of these information newspapers with seven daily political newspaper, Lisbon, in their editions of day April 1st, 1906 (three Republican newspapers - O Mundo, Vanguarda and A Lucta – and four monarchists - Popular, A Opinião, Novidades and Diário Illustrado). This is an exploratory research, that fits the genre of micro-history, with her sharing exhaustive description method of a small core of sources, and you intends to contribute to the understanding of two questions more broads: what logic of information underlay the different practices of political journalism? What is the place occupied by the information in newspaper opinion?
We will move forward with the following reading: the different information practices put the party political newspapers in the center of the political debate, making them insurmountable for those wishing to participate in it.
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