The new public of the public sphere and the reconceptualization of consensus as topos of public communication


  • João Pissarra Esteves Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Regina Célia Escudero Departamento de Comunicação – Universidade Estadual de Londrina



public, public sphere, civil society, public communication, consensus


To discuss the role of public communication as an element that articulates the publics on the public sphere, here we refer to the philosophical theory of the ethics of discussion, based on the moral content generated spontaneously from the common experience of the lifeworld of everyday social relations. The public, in this sense, is the collective subject that has the ability to mobilize the mentioned public sphere, in an inclusive, democratic and open perspective of participation in the communication processes. Their goal is setting up common agreements, of which consensus is the paradigm – due to the guarantees (in rational terms) offered. However, we should not confuse consensus with a mere assent – with any content presented as undisputed or irreversible. The aim of this article is to clarify the conditions for such communication dynamics: is it still possible in a world increasingly complex and pluralistic as the present, will there be room here yet for a truly independent, active and vibrant civil society?


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How to Cite

The new public of the public sphere and the reconceptualization of consensus as topos of public communication. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 10(17).