Voting advice applications

which effects among portuguese users?


  • Rui Alves Lajas ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
  • José Santana Pereira ISCTE/CIES – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa



VAA, European elections, effects, campaigns


This article aims to contribute to the discussion about Voting Advice Applications (VAA) in Portugal. Previous studies about VAA in Portugal focused mostly on the users’ profiles or on methodological aspects regarding the process of development of VAA. Therefore, we know very little about the effects that these tools can have on Portuguese users. In this article, we analyse the various types of effects reported by users of the portuguese version of EU Profiler, the first VAA in the country, and we show that the perception of internal political efficacy and information consumption habits are the best predictors of most of the effects provoked by EU Profiler, while the ideological positioning is only able to explain reinforcing, guidance and conversion effects.


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How to Cite

Voting advice applications: which effects among portuguese users?. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 13(24).