Photography and colonial propaganda. Notes on an interests union in Estado Novo first decade


  • Teresa Matos Pereira Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa/CIEBA/FBA-UL/CIED-ESELx



Colonial propaganda, photography, “visual colonialism”


The multiple connections between the colonial propaganda discourse and the photography contributed, in the early Estado Novo, to creating an image of the African territories under Portuguese colonial rule (including land, its inhabitants and respective cultures) that remained long after the end of Regime and the decolonization process. This text outlines the principles on which these links are based, starting from two publications that have Henrique Galvão as a central figure: the magazine Portugal Colonial and the album Outras Terras, Outras Gentes.


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Photography and Propaganda in the Portuguese New State

How to Cite

Photography and colonial propaganda. Notes on an interests union in Estado Novo first decade . (2021). Comunicação Pública, 12(23), 2017-12.