Do times change? Change wills!

advertising in covidian days


  • José Teixeira Centro de Estudos Humanísticos - Universidade do Minho



advertising and social perceptions, advertising and communicative strategies, stereotypes, cognitive frames


Advertising is an activity that allows you to see the most important social changes with great accuracy, showing the ideas and pressures that, in a given situation, go through a society. This text will try to illustrate this reality, showing how advertising took advantage of the new experiences of the pandemic times. We start with the perspective that there are, basically, in this adaptation process, three types of products that seem to imply three different types of strategies: new products that the pandemic gave birth to; existing products that the pandemic can enhance; existing products that did not grow with the pandemic, but that need to adapt to the new times to continue with the same importance. Defending that it is in this last type of adequacy that we can find the most creative processes, we will analyze the Christmas 2020 announcement of the hypermarket company Continente as an example of the adequacy of an advertising campaign to the COVID times. Both the guidelines to be reached by the campaign and the communication strategies show how advertising manages to navigate the seas of the pandemic.


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Author Biography

  • José Teixeira, Centro de Estudos Humanísticos - Universidade do Minho

    Is an Associated Professor at the University of Minho (Portugal). He holds a PhD in Linguistics on space, cognition and the Portuguese language (2000, A Configuração Linguística do Espaço no Português Europeu: modelos mentais de frente/trás), one of the earliest works on Cognitive Linguistics in Portugal. His main areas of research are linguistic meaning and cognition, Portuguese semantics and the language of advertising. Several of his published papers can be downloaded from the Repositorium of Universidade do Minho (

    Centro de Estudos Humanísticos - Universidade do Minho
    Campus de Gualtar,
    4710-057 Braga


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THEMATIC DOSSIER: Advertising in times of pandemic: new challenges and approache

How to Cite

Do times change? Change wills! advertising in covidian days. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 16(30).