Regulating misinformation and fake news

an international overview of responses to the problem


  • Jonas C. L. Valente Laboratório de Políticas de Comunicação – Universidade de Brasília



disinformation, regulation, digital platforms


The goal of this paper is to provide a global overview of disinformation regulation initiatives, more popularly known as “fake news”. The paper will begin with a conceptual debate to define what phenomenon is being used by using the term “misinformation” (and why the term “fake news” is inadequate to address this object), as well as the characteristics of its contemporary manifestation. Based on this, we will present a general framework of initiatives in various countries from some categories. The aim is to present representative examples of different responses to the problem, from approaches focused on self-regulation to different command and control instruments.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: Desinformação, Jornalismo e Modelos de Negócio

How to Cite

Regulating misinformation and fake news: an international overview of responses to the problem. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 14(27).