News sources of fact-checking from Brazil and Portugal


  • Jhonny Póvoa Cazetta
  • Ana Isabel Reis Universidade do Porto



fact-checking, fake news, webjournalism, news sources


Fact-checking, which have its origins in the 1980s, gained strength and size from the fake news controversies used during the 2016 US elections and Brexit, in the same year. This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of sources of initiatives from Brazil (Truco, Lupa, Aos fatos) and Portugal (Observador's Fact Check) duly accredited to the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). The results obtained were duly detailed in the third topic of this article, which at the end brings interesting considerations about the characteristics of the sources of the analyzed websites. One result is the discovery that the Portuguese and Brazilian fact-checking services focus on three different types of news sources.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: Desinformação, Jornalismo e Modelos de Negócio

How to Cite

News sources of fact-checking from Brazil and Portugal. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 14(27).