How laws are defining (and criminalizing) fake news


  • João Meneses CECS - ISMAI



fake news, misinformation, internet, social networks, humour



Legislative initiatives to combat misinformation and fake news from Germany, Brazil, France, Malaysia or Singapore have generated considerable controversy, and not just in these countries. As these are pioneering initiatives, they have received much attention across borders. In this paper, we analyse how each of these five legislative initiatives frames the fake news issue to conclude that the vast majority focus on the falseness of documents or statements made online. The different legislative proposals are minimalist and little explanatory, seeming to function as experiments or tests, with more deterrent than criminalizing aims.


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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: Desinformação, Jornalismo e Modelos de Negócio

How to Cite

How laws are defining (and criminalizing) fake news. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 14(27).