Lifestyle journalism and consumption trends: the case of NiT


  • Paula Cordeiro Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas



journalism, lifestyle, digital communication, consumption society



Current worldwide changes result from an intersection between technology and other societal factors, with digital devices usage assuming most relevant performative change. In communication and journalism, there are new challenges and opportunities. Lifestyle journalism is assumed to be a new investigative field, observing the need to define its core and activity in relation to consumption society. This article explores NiT digital lifestyle publication and tries to analise its content as lifestyle journalism, as it contributes to define individual lifestyle. Through analyzing the characteristics of this publication content – specifically the “shopping” section, and more particularly the “stores and brands” sub-section –, we try to establish a relation between consumption society and NiT. By using August 2019 publications in this sub-section, we try to find direct references to brands, services and products.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Disinformation, Journalism and Business Models

How to Cite

Lifestyle journalism and consumption trends: the case of NiT. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 14(27).