Digital and migratory flows

(trans)media dispositif1 in the transnational Cuban context


  • Elisa Beatriz Ramírez Hernández Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



digital activism, mediatic dispositif, transmedia storytelling, transnational migration Cuba


The article explores the links between previous transnational migratory processes and the recent development of ICT in Cuba. Drawing from the characteristics of digital activisms and the appropriations of the Foucaultian concept of dispositif in the Communication field, we outline the constitution of a (trans)media and transnational dispositif. These two dimensions are analysed through two methodological stages that include the observation of access and forms of connectivity between Cubans inside and outside the country, as well as the analysis of the semiosis that articulates a transmedia and transnational storytelling about a case study. The research highlights the methodological potential of the dispositional approach on communicational processes, which allows observing the arrangements made between heterogeneous elements according to the singularities of the studied contexts.


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Author Biography

  • Elisa Beatriz Ramírez Hernández, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Doutoranda em Comunicação Social na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brasil. É pesquisadora do Margem, grupo de pesquisa em Democracia e Justiça, e possui o Mestrado pelo mesmo programa de pós-graduação e Licenciatura em Jornalismo pela Universidad de La Habana. Realizou especialização em Development Journalism no Indian Institute of Mass Communication, na Índia; e exerceu como jornalista no Instituto Cubano de Rádio e Televisão, em Havana. Pesquisa temas na área de comunicação e política, conversações online, mídias digitais, processos migratórios transnacionais, espaço público e comunicação para a cidadania.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: News and audiences in the age of new media

How to Cite

Digital and migratory flows: (trans)media dispositif1 in the transnational Cuban context. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 15(28).