About the Journal

Editorial Policies

Comunicação Pública is an open access academic journal, which follows the double-blind peer review system. The journal accepts manuscripts that offer a contribution to the scientific discussion on the various perspectives of human communication. It is aimed at academics and professionals, both national and foreign.

Comunicação Pública accepts proposals for original and unpublished manuscripts, relevant to the area of communication, on a permanent basis. Twice a year, it also publishes calls for papers within the scope of Special Issues. Papers can be proposed in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

Editorial Procedure

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically after the author´s registration on the website (https://journals.ipl.pt/cpublica/user/register).

After submission, the papers will be subject to a preliminary analysis by the editorial board, regarding their suitability for the journal's objectives and scope, structure, and content, as well as full compliance with editorial standards. Conforming articles will be sent for evaluation, undergoing a double-blind review system.

In the blind review system followed by the journal, two external reviewers with the same area of expertise of the paper are nominated by members of the editorial board, or by the special issue coordinators (in case the article is part of it). The review process is based on the evaluation of the following criteria:

  • Originality and relevance
  • Conceptual rigor
  • Methodological rigor
  • Setting of objectives
  • Clarity of expression and grammatical correctness
  • Contribution of the article to the advancement of the research on the topic
  • Interest of the article for the journal’s readers

The final publication decision is made by the editorial coordinators, or by the special issue coordinators, even though it is based on the favorable evaluation of the two external reviewers. Reviewers may indicate that:

  • The article is publishable as it is
  • The article is publishable after minor flaws detected have been corrected.
  • The article is publishable after the correction of relevant flaws detected
  • The article needs a profound reformulation and must be subjected to a new scientific review
  • The article is not publishable

The authors of the submitted manuscripts receive a notification with the outcome of the review process and the editorial decision. If the article enters the editorial circuit, they must follow the suggestions proposed by the reviewers and, subsequently, by the linguistic reviewer, until the article is edited and ready for publication. The editorial circuit can take up to 1 year. Authors may be requested to provide any missing data from a formal point of view at any time during the editorial circuit. Authors are informed when the manuscript is published.

Open Access Policy

Comunicação Pública offers immediate free access to its volumes, following the principle that the free availability of data and scientific information provides a greater global democratization of knowledge.

Fees for submission and publication of texts

The journal's editorial coordination values a free access policy. Comunicação Pública neither charges fees for articles submitted or published, nor for their review, distribution, or download.

Digital Preservation Policy

The journal is digitally preserved through the LOCKSS system, a filing system distributed among participating libraries, that allows the creation of permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.

Data Sharing Policy

Comunicação Pública encourages authors to make available the data and the results presented in the articles. To accomplish this, it is recommended the use of a repository with a long-term file preservation plan and persistent identifiers, such as Zenodo. Authors must follow good citation practices and be aware of the Code of Ethics regarding the authors' duties.