Instagramable experiences at brunches in Lisbon
search for taste or likes?
phygital, instagramável, prosumers, social media marketing, experiências instagramáveisResumo
This article focuses on the increasing search for instagramable experiences, as consumers prefer attractive settings for photos aimed at Instagram posting. We explored a comparative case study of brunches in Lisbon. To explore if the attractivity of place, decoration, and presentation of food influences consumer choices, we used non-participant observation and interviews to consumers. We also conducted content analysis of posts, comparing the brands’ profiles with user-generated content using hashtags and geolocation. Our findings reveal a strong similarity between branded and user-generated content, as branded content struggles to be authentic, spontaneous, and “amateur”, and users increasingly follow an “instagramism” aesthetics. Users acknowledge that enjoying the food is intertwined with experiencing the place and being able to reflect/project that experience on their digital lives.
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