Manuel de Sá Couto, the “Lagoncinha” (1768-1837), exponent of Portuguese historical organaria




Manuel de Sá Couto, Lagoncinha, Portuguese organ, Historic organ-making, North of Portugal


The Portuguese historic organ was defined between the 18th and the 19th century through the activity carried out in Lisbon by the organ-makers António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828) and Joaquim António Peres Fontanes (1750-1818). In the north of Portugal, this new organ model was widely and simultaneously implemented by the organ-maker Manuel de Sá Couto (1768-1737), formed at the organ school developed around the Galician organ-builder settled in Guimarães Francisco Antonio de Solla Filgueira (1731-1794). Although the “Lagoncinha” – nickname by which Sá Couto was known – accomplished a personal synthesis between the Iberian and Portuguese traditions materialized in the high technical and artistic quality of dozens of his organs still preserved, his relevance in the context of the 19th century Portuguese organ-making has not yet been properly legitimized by the historiography of the organ in Portugal. It is precisely this recognition that the present article aims do claim.


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Author Biography

  • Marco Brescia, CESEM / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

    Marco Brescia is an integrated researcher at the Centre for the Study of Sociology and Musical Aesthetics at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. He completed in 2013 his joint PhD studies in Musicology at the Universities Sorbonne – Paris IV and NOVA de Lisboa, being awarded the maximum grade, très honorable à l’unanimité. Brescia also holds a master's degree in Early Music Performance / Historic Organ from the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, obtaining the prestigious matricula de honor, a master's degree in Art History from the University Paris IV – Sorbonne and an Architect and Urbanist degree from the University Federal of Minas Gerais. He has presented his works at the most prestigious international conferences promoted by IMS, SEdeM, SPIM, Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, etc. He is also regularly invited to perform as a pianist, organist, clavichordist or harpsichordist at the most distinguished international music venues and festivals in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, England, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Brazil, Peru, and Panama.


Fontes manuscritas

Arquivo Distrital de Braga. Paróquia de Lousado 1675/1911. Batismos 1759/1806. f.42r. Acedido Maio 10, 2022.

Arquivo Distrital de Braga. Paróquia de Lousado 1675/1911. Óbitos 1760/1871. ff.159v.–160r. Acedido Maio 10, 2022.


Brescia, Marco. 2020. Órgão José Joaquim da Fonseca (c.1863) e a Organaria Histórica Portuguesa / Organ José Joaquim da Fonseca (c.1863) and the Portuguese Historic Organ-making. Lisboa: Castelpor.

Carvalho, Joaquim Félix de. 2018. Restauro Filológico: Órgão Manuel de Sá Couto. Braga: Seminário Conciliar, Faculdade de Teologia.

Jambou, Louis. 1988. Evolución del Órgano Español: Siglos XVI-XVIII. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo.

Nassarre, Pablo. 1724. Escvela Musica, Segvn la Practica Moderna, 2vv. Saragoça: Herederos de Diego de Larumbe.

Sande Lado, Herminio. 2015. Organeiros de Xeve: Historia Duns Fillos de Xeve. Santo Andrés de Xeve: Herminio Sande Lado.

Vieira, Ernesto. 1900. Diccionario Biographico de Músicos Portuguezes: Historia e Bibliographia da Musica em Portugal, 2vv. Lisboa: Typographia Mattos Moreira & Pinheiro.

Capítulo de livro

Vaz, João. 2013. “Dynamics and Orchestral Effects in Late Eighteenth Century Portuguese Organ Music: The Works of José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) And The Organs of António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828).” In Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music: Sources, Contexts and Performance, edição de Andrew Wooley e John Kitchen, 157–172. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.


Jordan, Wesley. 1984 “Dom Francisco António de Solha, Organeiro de Guimarães.” Boletim de Trabalhos Históricos, 35:116–136.

Vaz, João. 2019 “‘Portuguese’ Organ Versus ‘Iberian’ Organ: Organ Building in Portugal After 1700.” Boletim Cultural 2018/2019, 2.a série:59–74.

Dissertações de Doutoramento

Brescia, Marco. 2013. “L’École Echevarría en Galice et Son Rayonnement au Portugal”, 2vv. Dissertação de Doutoramento, Universidade Paris IV – Sorbonne / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Acedido Maio 10, 2022.

Vaz, João. 2009. “A Obra Para Órgão de Fr. José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) e o Fim da Tradição Organística Portuguesa no Antigo Regime”, 2vv. Dissertação de Doutoramento, Universidade de Évora. Acedido Maio 10, 2022.

Relatório técnico

Brescia, Marco. 2018. Relatório da Intervenção de Conservação e Restauro Realizada no Realejo Histórico (c. 1819-1822) do Mosteiro de Santo Tirso. Acedido Maio 10, 2022.






How to Cite

Manuel de Sá Couto, the “Lagoncinha” (1768-1837), exponent of Portuguese historical organaria. (2022). RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro, 1(1), 87-102.