Serenades and Serenins: musical practice and staging of royal power at Palácio da Ajuda in the late 18th century, according to the testimony of a French traveler




Palácio da Ajuda, Serenity room, Dona Maria I, Representation strategies, Music in Portugal in the 18th century, Music and power, Foreign travelers in Portugal, Travel reports


Music in court ceremonies is often associated with representations of power, underlining or attenuating certain aspects that help us to understand, beyond purely musical matters, also the political action as a whole. This article examines the musical practice at Ajuda Palace in the late 18th century, during the reign of Queen Maria I, based on the testimony of the French diplomat Marc Antoine Marie, Marquis de Bombelles. The construction of Ajuda Palace and the remodelling of the Room of the Serenin are historically framed, addressing some of its characteristic decorative features. Then, the location and use of the two music spaces of the Palace is discussed. The musical practice in these spaces is examined, with special attention to the location of the instrumentalists and spectators and, finally, the musical performances thus portrayed are related to the strategy of political representation of Queen Maria I, and some conclusions are suggested.


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Author Biography

  • Inês Thomas Almeida, INET-md / FCSH / Universidade Nova de Lisboa

    Inês Thomas Almeida is a musicologist, PhD in Music Historical Sciences from Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a researcher at INET-MD/FCSH. Her thesis "The German Gaze: musical practices in Portugal at the end of the Ancien Regime according to German sources", supervised by Rui Vieira Nery and funded by FCT, was unanimously awarded the highest classification. Her research focuses on music in the 18th century, travelogues, women and music, and transnational cultural networks. She has twice received the Merit Scholarship of the University of Évora, awarded to the best student in each course. She lived in Germany from 2003 to 2016, where she created an NGO to support the Portuguese community in Berlin. In this context, she was responsible for numerous cultural, social and humanitarian initiatives and received several distinctions for services to the community. She was a lecturer at the National Superior Academy of Orchestra and regularly publishes articles in scientific journals in her research field.


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How to Cite

Serenades and Serenins: musical practice and staging of royal power at Palácio da Ajuda in the late 18th century, according to the testimony of a French traveler. (2022). RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro, 1(1), 9-33.