The performativity of the costume: an essay based on the Afoxé Filhos de Gandhy




Costume, Performativity, Afoxé Filhos de Gandhy, Folk costumes


This essay on the performativity of costume comes from a reflection initiated in the 2020 edition of Critical Costume, an international meeting on costume. I wonder whether performativity begins even before a costume is created, through material and immaterial values, based on reflections proposed by Ligiéro (2011) and Viana and Bassi (2014).  The case study to be analyzed in here is the group Afoxé Filhos de Gandhy, from Salvador, Bahia.  


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Author Biography

  • Fausto Viana, Universidade de São Paulo

    Fausto Viana is a set and costume design professor at the School of Communication and Arts at São Paulo University (USP) since 2003. He got his bachelor in Drama at USP (1992), his master (2000) and doctoral degree (2004) also at USP. He got an additional doctoral degree in Museology (2010), at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies, in Portugal.


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McNamara, Brooks, e Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. 1985. “Processional Performance: an Introduction.” The Drama Review: TDR 29 (3): 2-5.

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Trinchão, Gláucia Maria Costa (org.). 2015. Desenho, Moda & Cultura. Salvador: EUFBA.

Viana, Fausto, e Maria Cecília Amaral. 2020. “Entrevista com Vera Cristina Athayde, Pesquisadora e Professora da Oca Escola Cultural”. In Dos Bastidores eu Vejo o Mundo: Cenografia, Figurino, Maquiagem e Mais Vol. IV (Edição Especial de Folguedos), org. de Fausto Viana e Carolina Bassi de Moura, 288-311. São Paulo: ECA-USP.

Viana, Fausto, e Carolina Bassi de Moura (orgs.). 2014. Traje de Cena, Traje de Folguedo. São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores.






How to Cite

The performativity of the costume: an essay based on the Afoxé Filhos de Gandhy. (2022). RHINOCERVS: Cinema, Dança, Música, Teatro, 1(1), 172-190.