The dialogue between communication sciences and history – Proposal for the creation of the course Dinâmicas Comunicacionais Contemporâneas
communications, history, democracyAbstract
This article proposes the creation of a new course called Dinâmicas Comunicacionais Contemporâneas, to be considered in the context of a bachelor’s degree. Focused on the study of the media and having as an interpretive framework the consolidated knowledge of communications theories, the mobilization of history is advocated for the construction of chronological sections where the objects of study and their methodologies of knowledge construction live. This active dialogue will provide greater breadth through the analysis of the characteristics, place of production and media reception in their context and the respective processes of interconnection in differente time frames. This article is divided between the theoretical justification and the thematic block: press, cinema, radio, television and digital communication. A chronological arc is identified between the invention of the mechanical press, that is, the beginning of a certain democratization of knowledge through the dissemination of information, and the impact of current digital communication processes in democracies.
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