A map of hate on Facebook
triggers, insults and imitations
imitation, coalition, triggers, insultsAbstract
The popularization of digital social networks has brought ease and immediacy to the public expression of the actors. This provided an increase in debates on the internet. This popularization gave greater visibility to hate speech and intolerance, exposing insults and modes of violence (Waldron, 2010). Individual and regulatory responsibilities are at stake, in a national, international and business aspect (Silva, Nichel, Martins & Borchardt, 2011). However, this article addresses the issue of hatred from an interaction perspective: dynamics between news published on Facebook and conflicting interactions. The objective was to perceive some triggers for activating conversations in which insults and hatred took the lead. Based on the concepts of imitation (Tarde, 1978), coalition (Simmel, 1950) and association (Latour, 2012), we studied hate in 350 comments, 913 generated responses and 23 959 words contained in the most shared, most commented and most liked publications of Jornal de Notícias in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The results reveal a strong presence of hate speech and insults in the face of themes, news, ideas, opinions or dilemmas. In one third of the sample, there was a strong presence of hate speech, which was more present in the most commented publications (16.7%). The highest rates of hatred were found in the theme of "football" and "crime/aggression". In a more qualitative variant, we perceive that hate speech is imitated, both in the logic of the arguments and in the type of insults used.
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