Journalism in Film

journalism representations in Hollywood  (2010-2022)




journalism in cinema, representations of journalism, Hollywood cinema


Similar to what happens in literature, cinema has also observed, throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with “a critical and fascinated eye” the universe of journalism and the media. Mário Mesquita, a reference of Media Studies in  Portugal, points out that Hollywood cinema has been one of the main sources of representation of journalism in Western popular culture, constituting itself as “an inexhaustible reservoir of romantic mythologies (positive or negative) about the media, the press and the profession of journalist” (Mesquita, 2003). In turn, the critic João Bénard da Costa (1993) even mentions that journalism has become one of the main sources of American fiction. According to Brian McNair, cinema is a medium that produces myths in our society, so films about journalism are the space in which societies articulate, explore and interrogate journalistic values and criticize the application of these same values by the journalistic media themselves and also the relationship between the powers that be and journalism (McNair, 2010).

In this article, we intend to understand how journalism and the journalist have been represented by cinema, namely by Hollywood productions in the last decade, having as a leading reference the thought of Mário Mesquita. In this sense, we consider the films that have journalistic practice as central to their narrative: Nightcrawler (2014); Spotlight (2015); Truth (2015); Shock and Awe (2017); The Post (2017); e She Said (2022).


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Author Biography

  • Jaime Lourenço, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa / ICNova

    Doutorado em Ciências da Comunicação pelo Iscte, mestre em Jornalismo e licenciado em Relações Públicas e Comunicação Empresarial pela Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.

    É Professor Auxiliar na Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa e investigador integrado no Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA (ICNova). Tem vindo a desenvolver investigação em torno do jornalismo de cinema.


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O jornalismo na sociedade contemporânea: 20 anos de O Quarto Equívoco

How to Cite

Journalism in Film: journalism representations in Hollywood  (2010-2022). (2023). Comunicação Pública, 18(35).