Memory literacy

audiovisual fiction and its contribution to the construction of social memory




audiovisual, history, memory, identity


In a society in which audiovisual culture has been gaining fruition time, anchored in the technological apparatus of screens, and strong consumption of fictional narratives, historical and period movies and series have become the main means of construction of narratives of the past and dissemination of memory, especially among millennials and subsequent generations (Rosenstone, 2018). This paper intends, in this way, to materialise as a first aproach to the concept of a memory literacy, where the plurality of forces that coexist in society, and the tension of different narratives that are in constant negotiation are recognised.


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ssiê Temático: Estudos em Audiovisual e Multimédia

How to Cite

Memory literacy: audiovisual fiction and its contribution to the construction of social memory. (2023). Comunicação Pública, 18(34).