Silva, M. T. (Coord.), Gonçalves, J., Coelho, P. & Brites, M. J. (2021). Discurso de ódio, jornalismo e participação das audiências: Enquadramento, regulação e boas práticas. Almedina (Coleção Regulação dos Media). 138 pp. ISBN 9789724099743




speech, journalism, democracy, literacies


With this book, four Portuguese researchers with research paths especially dedicated to the issues of democracy, journalism and literacies strengthen the reflection around hate speech, its implications and dimension in the journalistic practice and in the spaces of debate and online participation that they promote. Although the premises that sustain the book may be considered complex, due to the lack of univocity of the term or the complex definition of imputability about it, this reflection is opportune to the media field not only because it consolidates it, but also because it raises awareness among journalists and civil society, while presenting strategies to combat the problem and incivility.


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Author Biography

  • Margarida Maneta, Lusófona University of Porto

    Research Fellow in the YouNDigital project — Youth, News, and Digital Citizenship (PTDC/COM-OUT/0243/2021), developed at the Research Center for Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies. She has coordinated the Working Group of Young Researchers of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences since April 2022, where she also joined the team of the Comunicando Journal. She holds a master's degree in Journalism from the School of Communication and Media Studies and is currently pursuing a master's in Media and Information Literacy and Digital Citizenship at Lusófona University.


Article 19. (2015). ‘Hate speech’ explained. A toolkit. Article 2019.

Richardson, J. & Milovidov, E. (2019). Digital citizenship education handbook. Council of Europe Publishing.

Simões, R. B. & Camponez, C. (2020). Participação online e conteúdo ofensivo: limites ético-legais da liberdade de expressão nas redes sociais. In R. B. Simões, M. B. Marques & J. Figueira, Media, informação e literacia. Rumos e perspetivas (pp. 21-49). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Silva, M. T. (2019). Literacia dos média e discurso de ódio. In M. J. Brites, I. Amaral & M. T. D. Silva (Eds.), Literacias cívicas e críticas: Refletir e praticar (pp. 31-42). Centro de Estudos Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS) – Universidade do Minho.



How to Cite

Silva, M. T. (Coord.), Gonçalves, J., Coelho, P. & Brites, M. J. (2021). Discurso de ódio, jornalismo e participação das audiências: Enquadramento, regulação e boas práticas. Almedina (Coleção Regulação dos Media). 138 pp. ISBN 9789724099743. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 17(33).