Trash games

the importance of the dark power of communication and videogames




video games, communication, mediatism, controversy, spectacle


Video games have an undeniable communicative potential regardless of their genre. Its interactive nature provides considerable openness to multiple interpretations depending on the content that is being built during the playable experiences. However, some of this content may be the target of media attention given the controversy created. In this paper, we will focus on video games developed mainly by creatives or independent companies that explore sensitive themes and content that, for various reasons, ended up having a marked negative impact on the populist media that is often present in discussions fostered by contemporary media. We will try to demonstrate the importance of this type of video games when discussing the future of the creative industries, communication, creatives and their audience.


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Author Biography

  • André Carita, Lusófona University of Porto

    He holds a PhD in Fine Arts (specializing in video games) from the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) since 2012. He is a researcher since 2002, he has collaborated with the magazines Mega score, Hype! and GameCultura (Brazil). He is a professor at the Lusófona University of Porto, in the bachelor's degrees in Video Games and Multimedia Applications, Applied Communication and Communication Design, where he teaches the following subjects: History of Video Games, Video Game Criticism and Analysis, Screenwriting and Interactive Narratives, Game Design, Semiotics, Visual Culture, among others. He is currently involved in the supervision and planning of several video games to be produced in the academic environment in Portugal.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Media Literacy: Strategies to Intensify Citizenship and Democracy

How to Cite

Trash games: the importance of the dark power of communication and videogames. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 17(33).