Participatory journalism as shared territory

practices and narratives




digitalization, public journalism, citizen journalism, participatory journalism


Considering the loss of monopoly in the collection, editing and dissemination of informative content, this article aims to contribute to the debate on the challenges facing professional journalism. A literature review was carried out focused on forms of citizen participation, with a view to stabilizing conceptual definitions of public journalism, citizen journalism and participatory journalism, as well as identifying their relevant characteristics. The theoretical framework resulting from this review guided the strategy of collecting new data through a questionnaire survey carried out among students of communication sciences. The research results make it possible to analyze mechanisms of deliberation and interactivity that can contribute to the construction of participatory journalism as a territory of compromise between journalists and citizens.


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Author Biography

  • Adelino Cunha, Europeia University; Nova University of Lisbon

    PhD in Contemporary History and PhD candidate in Communication Sciences, researcher at NOVA University of Lisbon and coordinator of Contemporary History at IADE- Europeia University. He is the author of the books: A Ascensão ao Poder de Cavaco Silva (2005); Álvaro Cunhal – Retrato Pessoal e Íntimo (2010/2019(National Reading Plan 2017); António Guterres – Os Segredos do Poder (2013); Os Filhos da Clandestinidade (2016); and Júlio de Melo Fogaça – Biografia (2018) (National Reading Plan 2019). He regularly publishes essays and academic articles on History and Journalism.


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SPECIAL ISSUE: Media Literacy: Strategies to Intensify Citizenship and Democracy

How to Cite

Participatory journalism as shared territory: practices and narratives. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 17(33).