COVID-19 on Instagram

health authorities’ strategic communication practices during the pandemic


  • Pâmela Araujo Pinto Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
  • Fellipe Sá Brasileiro Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
  • Maria João L. Antunes Universidade de Aveiro
  • Ana Margarida P. Almeida Universidade de Aveiro



health and communication, information resilience


Little attention is being paid to public health organizations as content producers in social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article aims at analysing the strategic communication practices of health authorities on Instagram (IG) in the face of informational challenges caused by the pandemic. It seeks to demonstrate the role of IG in the development of information resilience. A content analysis of the following profiles was carried out: World Health Organization, WHO/Europe, the Pan American Health Organization, the National Health Service of Portugal, and Brazil's Ministry of Health. It was possible to observe the role that these profiles can play in the reconstruction of the health information scenario, based on a strategic approach centered on practices of orientation and collective mobilization, based on accurate information and shared feelings.


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Author Biographies

  • Pâmela Araujo Pinto, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia

    Conducts her Post-Doctoral research at the Department of Communication and Art (University of Aveiro). Got her graduation in Journalism at Federal University of Maranhão (2007) and her Ph.D. in Communication, in Federal University Fluminense (2015). She is a collaborator of the DigiMedia Research Center. Her research interests are related to ‘communication and public health’ and ‘institutional communication and social media’, with emphasis on Instagram and ‘regional media’.

    Universidade de Aveiro
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
    Campus Universitário de Santiago
    3810-193 Aveiro

  • Fellipe Sá Brasileiro, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia

    Holds a PhD in Information Science and is a professor in the Communication Department at Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. He has been developing research activities related mainly to “digital infocommunication practices” and “health promotion through ICT”. He is a visiting professor at University of Aveiro, Portugal. "This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001".

    Universidade de Aveiro
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
    Campus Universitário de Santiago
    3810-193 Aveiro

  • Maria João L. Antunes, Universidade de Aveiro

    Is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication and Art, at University of Aveiro, Portugal. She was awarded her Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Technologies (2007), and a degree in New Communication Technologies (1998) from University of Aveiro. Her current research interests are: user generated contents, digital technologies to enhance territories and Instagram use by organizations.

    Universidade de Aveiro
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
    Campus Universitário de Santiago
    3810-193 Aveiro

  • Ana Margarida P. Almeida, Universidade de Aveiro

    Holds a PhD in Communication Sciences and Technologies and lectures in Department of Communication and Art of University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has been developing research activities mainly related to “e-health and wellbeing”, “accessibility and digital inclusion", “digital solutions for special needs”, “health promotion through ICT”, and “digital media development and evaluation methodologies”. She is a member of the executive board of the DigiMedia Research Center, coordinating the group "eHealth and Wellbeing".

    Universidade de Aveiro
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte/DigiMedia
    Campus Universitário de Santiago
    3810-193 Aveiro


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Special Dossier: Communicating Health – Fundamentals and Practices Towards a Bet

How to Cite

COVID-19 on Instagram: health authorities’ strategic communication practices during the pandemic. (2021). Comunicação Pública, 15(29).