Consumers profile

impulsiveness between rational and the excessive buying


  • Rosário Correia Higgs Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



rational buying, impulsive buying, consuming, emotionality, rationality


The aim of this research is to typify rational, impulse and excessive buying behavior. Buying behavior appears to be very complex concerning impulsive and excessive buying, since they are connected with symbolic, subjective and emotional dimensions aspects of consuming with the individual and its own personal and social and demographics characteristics. Both rationality and emotionally are transversal to the tree types of buying and they can be activated with a higher or lower activation of one of the two dimensions: affective or cognitive. Finally, as impulsive buying shows positive and coherent aspects, excessive buying shows negatives and ambivalent aspects.


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Dossier Estudos do Consumidor (II)

How to Cite

Consumers profile: impulsiveness between rational and the excessive buying. (2005). Comunicação Pública, 1(2), 45-80.