Organizational communication

in search of autonomy


  • Sandra Pereira Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



communication, organization


In this article we study the organizational communication field trying to identify the several moments that lead this area to an autonomous scientific discipline. At the same time we reflect upon the difficulties of working in a matter that has its roots in several social sciences disciplines, witch makes difficult its recognition in the academic arena.
Due to the non consensual definition of the organizational communication concept we present diverse interpretations in an attempt to clarify future fittings. Finally, we focus on several approaches that support the study of the organization communication field, the most interesting themes, the theories that sustain its research and the various dimensions of that research.


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How to Cite

Organizational communication: in search of autonomy. (2005). Comunicação Pública, 1(1), 41-70.