Themes of war

exploratory study about thematic frames on television news about the war in Iraq


  • Telmo Gonçalves Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; CIMJ – Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo



media and war, framing approach, thematic frames, Iraq war


In this paper we try to understand how the Portuguese public television channel framed the first phase of the last War in Iraq (first week). Through an empirical study based on some concepts and categories of the framing approach, we present a model to study the thematical frames in news television about war. This exploratory study shows how the military - strategic and tactical aspects - was the main thematical dimension explored by that television channel on the construction of the reality of war and the almost absence of the controversy around the reasons and legitimacy since the guns begun to talk.


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How to Cite

Themes of war: exploratory study about thematic frames on television news about the war in Iraq. (2005). Comunicação Pública, 1(1), 9-26.