Media Health Literacy Scale
conceptual frame and development of an assessment scale
health, literacy, media, assessment, questionnaireAbstract
The aim of this study was to develop a media health literacy scale (ELS-Media) that allows assessing the perception of competence of the Portuguese population to understand health messages disseminated in the media and to make decisions based on those messages. Based on literature review, analysis of existing instruments and interviews with specialists, a pool of items was created, from which six items were selected, which integrated ELS-Media. A total of 316 individuals, aged between 18 and 78 and with a level of education between the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and University Education, participated in the survey, answering to a sociodemographic questionnaire, to the ELS-Media, and to the Brief Health Literacy Scales. ELS-Media showed good reliability, good validity, and an acceptable sensitivity, being well accepted by the participants and easy to administer.
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