Prime time television news in Portugal

length and news value


  • André Sendin Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
  • António Belo Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



television news, lenght, valence, deviance, significance, news


Considering what the information, especially the prime time television news, represents in the generalist television channels, and the more competitive strategies of getting more audiences, several models have been adopted with implications at their structure, alignment and contents.
Taking in account that several studies that use a methodology of comparison of prime time television newspapers in several countries, and assuming the idea in which the television Portuguese newspapers are particularly long, this approach considers their length as the main subject of analysis. We intend to study the relation between the length of the television newspaper and its model, in terms of structure, alignment and contents.
In this study, we have adopted the methodological perspective developed in the international project “News definitions across cultures”, the analysis of the news was centred especially in the news value (valence, deviance and significance).
From the results, we may conclude that there are differences in terms of content and structure, depending on the length of television journals. We find no significant differences in terms of alignment.


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Cebrián, M. (2004) La información en televisión – obsesión mercantil y política. Barcelona, Gedisa Editorial.

Renckstorf, K.; McQuail, D.; Jankowski, N. (eds.) (1999) Television news research – recent european approaches and findings (communications monograph). United Kingdom, Quintes- sence.

Shoemaker, P. (2001). News across cultures – theoretical foundations for the john ben snow international news study, Syracuse, NY, Newhouse School of Public Communications.

Simonelli, G. (2001) Speciale TG: forme e contenuti del telegiornale. Novara, Interlinea Edizioni. Fonte/Source: MediaMonitor/Marktest; Belo, A., Schoemaker, P., Silveira, J., (orgs.; 2003), Análise Telejornais – Base de Dados 1, Lisboa, CIMDE.



How to Cite

Prime time television news in Portugal: length and news value. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 2(3/4).