The value of relationships


  • David Phillips Foundation for Information Policy Research Fellow of the Society for New Communications Research



This paper outlines concepts that explore and extend the significance of public relations as a relationship management discipline. It postulates practice through which value is created to meet organisational objectives from the known or latent potential of intangibles.
In doing so, a definition of organisations as the nexus of relationships is put forward.
The differentiation between organisational and interpersonal relationships is explored through a concept that organisational tokens are limited by the concept of materiality.
Because material value can only be released through a process of relationship change, relationship management is put forward as a management discipline that can create value. The reverse is also true. Wealth can be latent, under-exploited or destroyed when the process of relationship management acting on material tokens is not deployed to meet organisational objectives.


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How to Cite

The value of relationships. (2022). Comunicação Pública, 4(7/8).