Compromise management as a challenge for corporate communication


  • Enric Ordeix i Rigo Blanquerna School of Communication, Ramon Llull University



public relations, corporate culture, corporate values, identity, corporate commitment, organizational system, internal relations, roles, credibility, internal communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, global market


The article «Compromise Management as a challenge for Corporate Communication» is focused on the bridge between communication and organizational behavior. The author wants to guide the reader on the construction of the corporate believes and how this influences the credibility of organizations. At the same time, this approach to compromise management invites to go deeper inside the evolution of the corporate culture when dealing with Public Relations and internal communication. This text concludes with pointing some new tendencies in internal public relations management and with settling the new professional roles we are playing or we will be playing rather soon.


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Actas de Congresso

How to Cite

Compromise management as a challenge for corporate communication. (2007). Comunicação Pública, 3(5), 171-183.