Discourse strategies in corporate communication for enhancing democracy


  • Iris Jammernegg Università degli Studi di Udine




discourse strategies, participatory decision-making processes, targets as citizens, knowledge transfer, building competencies


Analyzing Public Relations’ contribution to Democracy and specifically how Corporate Communication can involve publics in participatory decision-making processes, not only PR tools should be investigated but also the discourse strategies applied for attaining this aim.
In democratic settings, addressees have to contribute to developing the social reference system, making choices based on correct information efficiently processed, as well as expressing them patronizing suitable linguistic means.
In this perspective, I want to explore, within a functional linguistic framework, the discursive strategies for:
- activating the targets as citizens and not primarily as customers
- transferring knowledge
- building consensus as well as competencies.


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Source used:

Henkel, Foreword of its Sustainability Report 2006 http://www.henkelna.com/us/content_data/SustainabilityReport_2006_english.pdf





Actas de Congresso

How to Cite

Discourse strategies in corporate communication for enhancing democracy. (2007). Comunicação Pública, 3(5), 157-170. https://doi.org/10.4000/cp.8177