Antropologia dos media

perspectivas e leituras


  • Sónia Sofia de Sousa Alves Ferreira CEEP (Centro de Estudos de Etnologia Portuguesa); CEMME (Centro de Estudos de Migrações e Minorias Étnicas) FCSH – UNL



anthropology of media, state of the art


In this paper I will make a brief presentation about an emergent area in the field of Anthropology, called Anthropology of Media. I will trace its routes as an anthropological sub-field, presenting some of the most prominent authors and academic researches. Since it is an almost unknown anthropological field in Portugal, I will follow a hegemonic presentation of authors and works, re-constructing their academic pathways.


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How to Cite

Antropologia dos media: perspectivas e leituras. (2007). Comunicação Pública, 3(5), 7-28.