Fairy tales as a resource of storytelling in advertising
advertising, fairy tales, image semiotics, consumer behaviorAbstract
n order to sell dreams and transform fantasies into reality, Advertising appeals to the fairy tales’ perfect values and happy endings to project the innermost desires of its receiver. This association is possible by a timeless and universal cognitive legacy existent in the consumer’s mind.
As so and in order to understand the values emerging from the adaptation process of the child's fantasy to advertising reality, a sample of 105 fixing images ads was collected, over a period of five years.
The investigation allowed building an innovative analysis model which, among other goals, revealed that the emerging values of this dichotomy are governed by the seductive side of woman in a fantasy context where her dominating power against other players, the product and the purchase decision is highlighted.
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Sites consultados:
www.mae.iol.pt/artigo.php?id=842688&div id=3650
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