Success factors in the advertising against domestic violence


  • Leonor Costa Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa



advertising, domestic violence, success factors


Advertising is an important weapon in the fight against domestic violence. Thus, we sought to identify factors that may contribute to the success of campaigns against domestic violence. The analysis focused 10 years of campaigns in Portugal and through the indicators, evolution of reporting numbers and the number of news in the media, we distinguished which campaigns were more successful and those that had less success. After extensive analysis of 44 ads, we concluded, for instance, that the segmentation of target audience and realistic representation of signs of violence, when they exist, can be success factors in the campaigns against domestic violence.


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Lei n.º 59/2007. D.R I SÉRIE. 152 (2007-09-04) 6188.




How to Cite

Success factors in the advertising against domestic violence. (2011). Comunicação Pública, 6(Especial 01E).