The challenges of the new communication age


  • Anne Gregory Business School – Leeds Metropolitan University – United Kingdom



communication, public relations, new technology, context, levels


The challenges posed by the digital network revolution, globalisation and the empowerment of stakeholders (Arthur W. Page Society, 2007), combined with other events such as the global economic recession and a loss of trust in organisations, poses significant issues and opportunities for public relations practitioners. This paper explores the challenges of the new communication age by examining seismic shifts in the context in which organisations operate and the consequent changes in role that this requires of public relations practitioners. It concludes by postulating the contribution that practitioners can make at four levels within organisations and concludes that this is a time of significant oppor­tunity for the profession. The main barrier for taking up that opportunity is the capability of practitioners.


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How to Cite

The challenges of the new communication age. (2011). Comunicação Pública, 6(10).